Venereaza-mi curul!featuring AlexaCreed
Studio: Alexa Creed
Romanian: Ti-ai dorit vreodata sa fii ingenuncheat, orbit de obsesia pentru curul meu?
Iti las gura salbatica pe pielea mea, fiecare suflare fierbinte marcandu-mi formele. Iti cer sa-l adori, sa-l lingi, sa-l
Iti las gura salbatica pe pielea mea, fiecare suflare fierbinte marcandu-mi formele. Iti cer sa-l adori, sa-l lingi, sa-l
sugi, pana cand nu mai esti decat un sclav insetat de gustul meu.
Te imbat cu miscarile mele, te tin captiv, si in final, te conduc spre apogeul tau, numarand fiecare secunda care te duce la extaz. Nu mai ai scapare. Iti vei retrai fantezia iar si iar, dorindu-ma si mai mult. Indraznesti sa imi venerezi curul?
English: Have you ever wanted to be on your knees, blinded by obsession for my ass?
I let your mouth roam wildly over my soft skin, each hot exhale marking my curves. I demand your worship, licking, sucking, and savoring every inch, until you’re nothing but a slave thirsting for my taste. I obsess you with my movements, keep you trapped, and in the end, I take you to your climax, counting down every second to your rel
...Te imbat cu miscarile mele, te tin captiv, si in final, te conduc spre apogeul tau, numarand fiecare secunda care te duce la extaz. Nu mai ai scapare. Iti vei retrai fantezia iar si iar, dorindu-ma si mai mult. Indraznesti sa imi venerezi curul?
English: Have you ever wanted to be on your knees, blinded by obsession for my ass?
I let your mouth roam wildly over my soft skin, each hot exhale marking my curves. I demand your worship, licking, sucking, and savoring every inch, until you’re nothing but a slave thirsting for my taste. I obsess you with my movements, keep you trapped, and in the end, I take you to your climax, counting down every second to your rel