BONDAGE INTRUDERS PART 2 feat ASTRODOMINA & Lucy Luvsfeaturing Sydney Lee
Studio: AstroDomina
I might find myself in a tight predicament, but I will also always find a way to come out on top!
We return to the scene as Sydney nearly escaped her captor, only to find out that her coworker was also in on the gig
We return to the scene as Sydney nearly escaped her captor, only to find out that her coworker was also in on the gig
trying to steal her company's information! Her coworker decided to go it alone however and simply tied both her and the intruder together before leaving. Now, it's a race to see who can get out of their bonds first. The intruder manages to escape before Sydney which means now she's at her mercy again. Leaving Sydney in her bonds, she goes back into the room to continue searching the laptop for the valuable information.
However she should have double checked to make sure Sydney was really tied well this time because before too long she manages to escape her ties once more. Finally facing what could be her last chance to take control of the situation, Sydney sneaks up behind her captor and surprises her when her guard was down. Now there's nobody else to mess a
...However she should have double checked to make sure Sydney was really tied well this time because before too long she manages to escape her ties once more. Finally facing what could be her last chance to take control of the situation, Sydney sneaks up behind her captor and surprises her when her guard was down. Now there's nobody else to mess a